For some small businesses, such as jewelry stores, restaurants, flower shops, candy shops, and card stores, Valentine’s Day (a Saturday this year) means serious business.
For example, this day is the third biggest holiday for jewelers (after Christmas and Mother’s Day); consumers are expected to spend a total of $4.8 billion on jewelry this year.
But the holiday on February 14 raises a couple issues for all small businesses. Here’s what comes to mind:
Using the holiday for marketing. The day can be used to show appreciation to customers. This can be reflected in special messages sent via email or social media, or special offers (e.g., discounts on products or services; special drawings).
Using the holiday to do good. Operation Valentine is a way to remember the troops far from home. One small business owner, a Vietnam veteran, began participating a couple of years ago; this year he sent more than 100 letters. You can send valentines through Operation Gratitude.
Reviewing company dating policies. Some large companies believe that employees who date each other may cause workplace problems, such as distractions and favoritism. I don’t know of any small businesses that ban dating among employees. But even these companies have to be careful to avoid any sexual harassment claims or other negative results.
Find a helpful sample dating policy here.
Final thought
Wishing you xoxo this Valentine’s Day!