Big Ideas for Small Businesses® is your complete source for tax, legal, and financial information specially developed for small businesses and independent entrepreneurs. We’re your online mentor, ready to help you start up or manage your small business, putting everything you need right at your fingertips – just a click away!

The brainchild of well-respected attorney, author and public speaker, Barbara Weltman, Big Ideas for Small Business® offers an up-to-date inventory of information that can help you answer questions such as how to get legal assistance, how to navigate government regulations, what paperwork you need once you begin hiring employees, and more.
Our blogs have received numerous awards, and Barbara Weltman has been honored as well. “I’m honored and delighted to be named a Top 100 Small Business Influencer from 2011 to 2015.” In 2020, Motley Fool’s The Blueprint named her one of 10 women in the entrepreneurship space you should be following.