A Tax Foundation report found that Americans pay an average of 17.05% in combined federal, state, and local tax and fees on wireless service (5.82% federal rate and 11.23% state-local tax rate). Four cities (Chicago Baltimore, Omaha, and NYC) have effective tax rates over 25%.
The new 2015 edition of my tax books, J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes 2015 and 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks, are available now! And be sure to watch for the latest free online supplement for each book, which will be available here.
Are you self-employed? There’s a book for that … you’ll want your copy of J. K. Lasser’s Guide to Self-Employment: Taxes, Tips and Money-Saving Strategies for Schedule C Filers to guide you through tax planning and so much more- available on Amazon!