The U.S. Supreme Court hears oral argument today in King v. Burwell. The issue: whether or not the Affordable Care Act restricts the premium tax credit (the federal subsidy for medical coverage) to those who buy from a state exchange. If so, then otherwise eligible individuals in the more than 30 states without a state exchange would be without a subsidy unless Congress changes the law.
Are you self-employed? There’s a book for that! For essential year-round tax planning and critical business strategy, you’ll want your copy of J. K. Lasser’s Guide to Self-Employment: Taxes, Tips and Money-Saving Strategies for Schedule C Filers - available on Amazon!
Don’t miss this! The new, FREE supplements to J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes 2015 and 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks are available — find them on my website here and here.